The Creation of Mrs. Emu,the Librarian (Part 2).....
As I gaze into this old birds eyes, I just feel she is wise beyond her words. She has seen migrations that I can only dream of. She is the queen of knowledge.
I continue on my path of filling in all the book titles in the back ground, I think to myself.... "What would a bird come to ask a librarian to read?". The entire family joins in on the fun and they start telling me titles that might work. For example: You've got to have an Edgar Allan Poe book on the shelf. What about.... Which came first, the chicken or the egg? What about the movie "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock. We all begin laughing and I continue on my quest of making her come to life.
I think I shall end this entry on this lovely note. I wish to express my gratitude for the ability to do what I love every day, to be able to share with others outside of my home and perhaps bring a smile or joy to someone who gazes upon my art. With that being said - I can honestly say I am rich beyond words.
I continue on my path of filling in all the book titles in the back ground, I think to myself.... "What would a bird come to ask a librarian to read?". The entire family joins in on the fun and they start telling me titles that might work. For example: You've got to have an Edgar Allan Poe book on the shelf. What about.... Which came first, the chicken or the egg? What about the movie "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock. We all begin laughing and I continue on my quest of making her come to life.
Now she is almost complete and I sense that usual type of sadness setting in. Soon she will be finished, free to open her wings and fly away. I take comfort in the fact I helped create her, but I really feel close to her and don't want to let her go. It's interesting how a project can be such a part of you, that you actually MISS working on the project. Yet I know, within hours or perhaps a day or so, a new whimsical creature will pop into my head. With just as much joy and eagerness to be put on paper to share with the world. That my friends, is the process I experience with each and every piece I create - PURE JOY. It's so much fun to enjoy each and every stroke of the pencil or brush. To watch the vision I have come to life. It's always a very sweet, sweet pleasure that is so inexpensive, yet so rich. Here she is, Mrs. Emu the Librarian, finished in all of her glory. What a grand dame she is.
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