Seeing the beauty through other's eyes...

Everywhere I go, I see beauty.  It surrounds me and makes me smile on a daily basis.  Often, while scrolling though Facebook, a photo will catch my eye.  Someone, somewhere has found the beauty surrounding them and decided to share.  I stare at the photo and I feel as if I am there.  I am part of their world and looking at the place that captured a piece of their heart. 

A friend of mine on Facebook posted this picture.   I commented on it and asked if I could save it to my hard drive and perhaps paint it someday.  Well, it happened quicker than I thought.  About 2 1/2 weeks after seeing it, I had to create it.    I have not been feeling well the past couple of days, I think I have a touch of the flu, but it didn't stop me from creating.

Here is the original photo, taken by Joe Kaltenbach.  It just captures that beautiful moment of a morning sunrise in the crisp air.  It was breath taking.

So when I sat down to paint, I just knew this would lift my spirits.  Sure enough, I was instantly transported into his world.  The beautiful morning, the warmth of the sun and the sweet, innocent deer peeking over the hill.    I fell in love.

Here is my painting that I created from this photo.  I hope in some way, I captured a small amount of the amazing beauty he witnessed and captured with his camera.   Thank you Joe for the inspiration.  It was heavenly to be a part of your world. 


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