A Proper Lady..... Edna the Ewe   

While surfing the internet, I came across this picture of a very wooly sheep.  

I just gazed into her beautiful eyes and I just pictured in my mind a very proper lady all bundled up in her wool coat.  She has the most dreamy blue eyes and her wool has such wonderful whites, tans, and brown tones to it.   Her photo just called out to me - CREATE A WHIMSICAL CHARACTER.

So I promptly sketched out her face and then used one of my old 1870's fashion books and picked out a perfect hat.  I sketched it on her head and then started placing some colors on the paper.  On this project, I am using Polychromo colored pencils and heavyweight, hot press watercolor paper. 




This is my progress so far and she is coming to life!  I hope she continues to shine.  I just love looking into her eyes and I feel like I could get lost in them.   In a couple of days, I will post an update on my progress.  So far I am giddy with delight.  She is turning out just as I have imagined.  Edna, I can't wait to see you all bundled up in your fashionable wool coat.  

I hope you all have a beautiful evening.  Talk with you soon!  - Sommer


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