Chickens make my heart smile
I don't know what it is about a chicken, but they make me happy. But then again, I think all animals and birds make me happy! Perhaps with chickens, my love is centered around all the stories that were read to me as a child - The little red hen or Henny Penny.
They have that look that they mean business. Almost like a stern grandmother that has a house full of kids, grandkids, and more. She is busy cooking in the kitchen and when Grandma says stay out of her cooking area, you know to stay out! Haha. She is the best cook on the block and she knows it. When I gaze into a chicken's eyes... I just want to create portraits of them. I think they are very good caretakers, just like grandma. My chicken/hen characters always turn out quite formal, as if they are ready to attend Sunday Service at church.
Here are a few examples of my cuties!
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