Who would have guessed.....

that the joy from creating children's books would be so grand.   My entire art career, I've been told I should be illustrating children's books.   Every booth, store, craft fair and more that I participated in, I would be asked "Have you ever considered illustrating children's books?"   I would always shrug my shoulders and smile.  Then tell myself "someday".  Why?  Why did I put up so much resistance?  It was fear.  Fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear the children would not like my books, the list goes on and on. 

With my first book "Shadow Kitties ABC's", I took over 2 years to create it.  Not because it was so difficult, but because I didn't think I could.  I believed no one would like it.   Then, last November, when I published it and heard some of the reviews, my heart was exploding with joy.  Could this be?  My books were reaching the hands of children and they loved it.   I can't begin to explain what those words do to me.  My eyes tear up with joy, my heart just melts and I am in heaven. 

I have folders and folders of stories I have written and the only person to hear them was my grandmother.  I would read them to her and she loved them.  She always encouraged me to push forward with them and I'd say "Someday". 

This year, I started working on many of the books I had previously started to illustrate and just put away for later.   It now seems as if all blocks have been removed and I'm so excited to create each and every one of them. 

In January, I was asked by a dear friend and very talented author Anne Carmichael to collaborate with her and illustrate a children's book she had in mind.  It was such a beautiful little story, I was nervous and anxious at the prospect.   I told her to give me  a few months and we could do this.   Well, to my surprise, my art just burst onto the paper.  Scene after scene just came to me and I couldn't work on anything else.  I couldn't wait to wake up and create/illustrate.   The story just consumed me and I was able to release the fears and just shine.   The book titled "Chipita's Journey" was released in February and my heart skipped a beat.  What would the reviews be?  Would I sell copies?  To my surprise the reviews are coming in and they love it!   I'm again, over the moon.  When people send me pictures of their children reading the book I illustrated, again... happy tears.   

Yes, I even sent one to grandma.  Of course she loved it and tells me how beautiful my illustrations are.  It was a dream come true.  My grandma is able to see my books in print!  How awesome is that?

I had set a personal goal of releasing 3 books this year and I think I am going be able to do that and perhaps more.   My heart and goals are finally in alignment.  I couldn't be happier!   Will I still create other art, of course.  However, my main focus is sharing with children.   It's a dream come true and I wish to thank each and everyone of you who have been following me on this journey.  You are the BEST! 


  1. So glad we were able to do 'Chipita's Journey' together. I would love to see any pics you get of kids reading the book and share it with my readers. I'll do the same.

    I hope we can collaborate again in the future. Really enjoyed working with you!

  2. You are so talented! And thank you for sharing it with all of us.


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